Jewelry Care Guide

At Wabby’s, we work with nature’s most precious stones to create long-lasting jewelry pieces. That’s why it’s so important to care for your customized jewelry*. Our exquisite stones are often centuries old, so to help you preserve their natural beauty, we have put together this guide to keep your special gem in perfect condition.

Our tailor-made jewels are handcrafted, from the initial sketches to the final polishing, we design high-quality one-off pieces that can be passed down through generations. But if jewelry isn’t cared for, it can begin to lose its shine. The precious metals and beautiful gemstones become tarnished and dull, so building a regular cleaning habit will help you keep Wabby’s jewelry in stunning condition forever.

Keep Your Jewelry Dry

One of the most important rules in jewelry care is to ensure your jewelry stays dry. Getting your jewelry wet can degrade the metal and stones. Here are some things to consider to keep them dry throughout the day.

Take your ring, necklace, earrings or bracelet off when having a shower or bath. This is something we do every day, so over time, the damage shows. The same applies to washing up. Remove your rings before doing the dishes, or wear gloves to stop the water and soap from affecting your jewels.

Whether you’re swimming in the ocean or the pool, put your pieces somewhere safe. Swimming pools especially have the extra influence of chlorine, and all chemicals should be avoided when wearing jewelry. If you’re heading to the gym, leave your jewelry at home because even sweating can affect them.

When you’re getting ready to start your day, consider putting your jewelry on after applying make-up, hair and perfume, as moisture can greatly affect your pieces. It’s best to do your skincare routine in advance to prevent moisturizer from damaging your rings. Hair spray, make-up setting spray, and perfume should all be applied before putting your jewelery on, as this too will damage them over the years.

Jewelry Storage

Storing your jewelry not only keeps your pieces safe but also avoids too much exposure to air. Keeping your jewelry in the correct storage case will increase the lifespan of your jewels, preventing them from getting scratched or tangled with other pieces. We recommend using fabric-lined bags or cases, especially anti-tarnish bags.

Wabby’s provides a gift box or pouch with every piece, but if you don’t have them, then placing jewelry in soft tissue or paper is better than leaving them exposed. Having a storage box is also useful for traveling, keeping them safe and protected at all times.

How To Keep Your Jewelry Clean

Every piece of jewelry at Wabby’s is unique and personal, creating a true reflection of the wearer. Because our pieces are customized, each jewel has different precious metals, which require different levels of care.

White Gold Jewelry

White gold jewelry has rhodium plating, which naturally fades. To delay the process, we recommend using professional cleaning and polishing products.
However, you can use gentle detergent or baby shampoo in warm water. Take a soft-bristled brush and dip it into the water before adding the detergent or cleaner to your jewelry. Very gently brush your pieces to remove any dirt. When the grime has been removed, take a soft cloth and polish it for a shiny finish.

To truly keep your white gold jewelry in good condition, a professional jeweler can use a specialist procedure to restore the rhodium plating.

Yellow Gold Jewelry

The warm tones of yellow gold pieces mean that the shine won’t fade like white gold does. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t regularly clean it though.
Apply the same method as above to gently clean your pieces and polish them for optimum care. You can also have them professionally cleaned by a trusted jeweler, which we recommend, ensuring your jewelry upholds its exquisite quality.

Rose Gold Jewelry

Rose gold requires a similar cleaning method. Fill a bowl with warm water and gentle cleaning solution and let your jewelry soak in the water for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly before polishing.

Speak To Wabby’s

Some gemstones require special cleaning or delicate measures. Please speak to Wabby’s today to learn more about caring for your dream gems before embarking on a cleaning plan. Better yet, book an appointment to choose a new piece of jewelry, or let us customize a special piece for you.

*Wabby’s suggests jewelry and gems be cleaned by a trusted jewelry professional. Whether you choose to use a professional or clean your jewelry/gemstones yourself using the suggestions in this article, you are 100% responsible for the outcome. Wabby’s is not responsible for any item not cleaned in-house by our team.

I adore wearing gems, but not because they are mine. You can't possess radiance, you can only admire it.

Elizabeth Taylor